Why is It Necessary to Wash Carpets Periodically?

It is expected to overlook the cleaning and washing of rugs, carpets, upholstery, and fabrics when doing regular cleaning, giving greater importance to other things such as sanitizing and disinfecting toilets, countertops, and other kitchen elements, in which everyone, As we know, a large number of harmful agents concentrate and proliferate. Even insects such as ants and cockroaches can nest.

However, manual cleaning and daily care of carpets is something that is usually left for last without taking into account that these types of surfaces and elements can contain up to 200,000 bacteria per inch, affecting people’s health. Who live, work, or use the spaces in which they are located.

Carpet cleaning is equally important because, according to some studies, poor health of this type of surface can generate, in addition to bacteria, poor quality of the ambient air inside the home or premises, which can be even worse than outdoor air with pollution.

The carpet is an element that is used daily, like any other floor in the house or office, and we never forget to clean it. The absorbent nature of the fibers and their depth makes it perfect for all types of dirt to accumulate not only in the visible part but also at its base.

In busy places such as offices, in homes with pets, or with children, washing rugs and carpets is even more essential and must be done daily.

Therefore, to answer why carpet cleaning and washing are necessary,  we can offer the following reasons:

  • The first reason that makes it necessary to clean and wash carpets carefully is clearly the hygienic need to preserve the health of those who have these types of accessories in their homes or workplaces. Carpets and rugs are perfect places for microscopic organisms such as mites and fungi to establish a very cozy habitat. The proliferation of these invisible and very harmful inhabitants, because they are the cause of many allergic processes and asthma, increases considerably if we also add a humid indoor climate or environment to the carpets that are not adequately cleaned. However, in addition to mites, mold spores also arrive from the outside and will have enough food on the carpet to reproduce more quickly, adding to the harmful agents that threaten people’s health.
  • The second reason is that the fibers of carpets and rugs of all types tend to absorb all the odors found in the environment, so when they have been exposed for a long time, without adequate cleaning, they generate a rancid smell that It is always very unpleasant, an excellent professional washing is the best way to eliminate odors from carpets and rugs.
  • The third reason is that dust deposited on our rugs and carpets causes them to become dull and lose the intensity of their original colors. Their fibers become matted, losing their softness. Therefore, a wash when necessary is the best way to have perfect rugs on the first day.
  • The last reason is that no matter how much you try to take care of your carpet, over time, it is always inevitable that some stain will occur that you will not be able to remove by vacuuming alone. Only carpet washing will solve this problem.